Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012


Lagi lagi dan lagi lagi gue jatuh cinta sama cowok British. Nih negara emang bikin addicted banget. Mulai dari budayanya, keadaan sosialnya, sepakbolanya, aksen aksen yang dipakai sama orang orangnya, pemerintahannya sampai pria pria seksi nan ganteng itu <3 Walaupun sekarang mereka lagi ada konflik intern tentang Skotlandia yang ingin merdeka sendiri :( Gue sebagai salah satu orang non-British yang suka sama Union Jack (?) ga rela kalau Skotlandia mau lepas. Because Union Jack flag without St Andrew flag is just.......

Okelah, orang orang Skotlandia ini emang dipandang sebelah mata ama orang-orang Inggris. Contohnya yang paling jelas, Andy Murray. Dia nih kalau lagi menang sebuah turnamen, pasti dieluh-eluhkan dan dianggap sebagai orang Britania, TAPI KALAU DIA KALAH, dia akan dicap sebagai orang Skotlandia *anjir, sakit* Liat aja ekspresinya dia waktu kalah dari Roger Federer di final Wimbledon 2012 kemarin, dia sampe ngeluarin air mata bray. Bukan berati dia seorang yang cengeng yak, tapi karena faktor itu dia sampe emosional banget. Yah walaupun dia seorang nasionalis dan secara terang-terangan bilang kalau dia ga bakal dukung timnas Inggris di turnamen manapun, tapi gue baca wawancaranya dia di Telegraph pas abis menangin medali emas di London 2012, dia bilang he wouldn't swap Wimbledon final for this gold medal. Good job Andy! May the odds be ever in your favor (apaan sih)

Back to the topic, gara gara tadi ngomongin Britania jadi nyambungnya malah ke bidang sport sama politiknya yang membingungkan itu yah :/ tapi seru kan? ^^ *tuing-tuing* Ga usah bacot lagi, gue cuma mau ngenalin kalian sama youtubers dari UK, they are JACK AND FINN HARRIES. Sebenernya yang punya akun youtube itu si Jack, tapi Finn jb jb aja wkwk but they are just lush. My favorite twin eva :D I love watching their videos. Lucu lucu apalagi pas bagian Twin Mails, gara-gara ngeliat video itu gue jadi penasaran rasanya permen MOAM itu kayak gimana hihihihi

 Ada yang bisa bedain mana yang Jack mana yang Finn? Let me tell you yah, yang kiri itu Finn dan yang kanan itu Jack (di kedua foto diatas) Gimana? cakep cakep kan? hehehew Katanya Jack sih, Finn lahir 2 menit duluan sebelum dia. Jadi yang paling tua? lo liat sendiri aja videonya mereka yang judulnya Twin. Disitu lo bakal dijelasin sama Jack tentang teori-teori anak kembar, mana yang seharusnya yang lebih tua dan mana yang lebih muda. Oiya, Jack bilang kalau dia paling ga suka ditanya 'Which one is older?' karena menurut dia pertanyaan itu sendikit annoying hahaha

ini siapa hayo? :p yep he is Finn

this one is Jack

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Ta-ra Euro 2012

Spain retained the trophy

"Are we boring? People who think we play boring, I don't think they understand the game"

Well said, that was Cesc Fabregas who talked about Spain's victory. Let's just not lie, Spain bored me in the past four years. They are the first team in history who win three consecutive major tournaments: in Swiss-Austria, South Africa and Poland-Ukraine. It's just..... odd. There are 16 best teams in the Europe and 32 best teams in the World, how can you start and join the tournament if you know who will be the champion in the end? or in other words, the same team who will win? Tiki-Taka may not bore me, where their style of play is accentuating ball possession they make. Beauty, vision, pass and pass. Been favourited by most of football fans, and crowned as champion in the end. Plus, Fernando Torres surprisingly got the golden boot after his goal against Italy. Spanish celebrated, Italian went down. Mario Balotelli who is considered as 'bad boy' watching Casillas lifting the trophy, in tears. Who would have thought the brat could be that weak?

Oh let's talk about Spain again. Who do you think would be the best actor if  this title assumed as Oscar? Mine are Xavi and Iniesta. No, I don't mean in that diving case. They are such best-fucking-mildfielder by far. Other players scored, but these two men who made the game. End of. 

I won't say that I didn't support any team at Euro. In fact, I did. England still be my favorite national team apart from my country. I've been following English football since I know what football was. Being Manchester United fan makes me understand about English football. But what about now? I'm still upset with how Roy Hodgson didn't make a call for Rio Ferdinand and Michael Carrick but chose Martin Kelly, Jordan Henderson and uh Stewart Downing instead. Footballing reason? You're having a laugh, Roy. 

Penalty isn't their best friend, is it?
They say England haven't moved on in the last two years since the World Cup. Better or worse? you judge. England have been here before, of course. Not because they didn't take a part four years ago, that doesn't mean they couldn't make it well. They have the best League in the world. Ask footballers, most of them would say Premier League is their Hollywood where they can make their dreams come true. But unfortunately, history repeated itself. The same old story, England must learn from familiar failing after exit.

What's the other thing? Netherlands are the big flop. Coming as runner-up of the World Cup tournament, they didn't manage to get the victory, even one. German, like always, favourited but unsuccessful. Portugal the same one, but Cristiano Ronaldo is special. Relying on just one player isn't enough, though. Ireland may be bad, but their fans are the best.

Euro 2012 just ended, but football won't.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Do-fun with Pak Sodarso

I know it's pretty much late to post this. Lagi males buka blog, dan ga tau kenapa tadi abis baca blog temen jadi pengen posting sesuatu di blog sendiri. agak random sih emang, dind't know what kind of story I would tell so I decided to upload some stuffs when I went to Dufan with my classmates. Jadi waktu itu kelas 3 lagi TO, kelas 2 nya kan libur tuh, Dira nyaranin ke anak-anak buat ngumpul-ngumpul bareng satu kelas, dan Dufan jadi tempat destination kami deh akhirnya. I don't remember exactly the date we went out, but mungkin ini udah sekitar sebulanan lah yang masih kerasa juga auranya ampe sekarang haha lebay ah

Janjian ngumpul jam 9 (kalo ga salah) di tamini, tapi taulah biasa orang-orang Indonesia kan sukanya ngaret, jadi kita berangkatnya sekitar 30 menit setelah waktu yang direncanakan sebelumnya. First game, kita naik angkot ampe..... apaan yak namanya? lupa gue-_- pokoknya tujuan kita naik angkot itu cuma mau naik busway biar langsung ke Ancolnya. Awalnya pas nunggu, lamaaaaaa aja. berdiri panas2an, dan pas naiknya di Busway, yah sama aja sih, ga ada perubahan. As we arrived, we sort of kebingungan nyari tempat Dufannya, dan ngantri dulu buat ambil tiket yang cuma bayar setengahhnya doang karena ada promosi dari Coca-Cola itu lhoooo :3 pas masuk, biasalah kita foto-foto dulu :p then kita naik macem2 wahana sama2, how unyu that was :33

bersama cokiber wkwk

bloody much thank you pak sodarso :*

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

One Direction: London boys!

One Direction has just launched their third music video from their VERY first album, 'Up All Night'. Tadinya sih pengen liat pas jam premier nya itu, di UK jam 4pm berarti di Indoneisa jam 11 malem. Tapi pas kemaren lagi capek banget abis pulang les akhirnya hari ini baru ngeliat videonya. Dan tau apa? It's awesome. The setting is in London. Ada beberapa scene yang berlatar di Oxford Street dan Central London Park. I was amazed by the beautiful scene of this lovely city. Mereka nyanyi di atas bus yang gak beratap dan keliling kota London. WOW. London Eye sama Big Band jadi pemandangan indah selanjutnya. Ada adegan waktu One Direction nyanyi di jalan, kayak pengamen gitu wkwk tapi bedanya ini cowoknya ganteng-ganteng (banget) semua haha jadi pengen beneran ke London :3

here are some pictures (jpg and gif)